Be cautious with this store as they may try to make you buy full insurance. Avoid making any mistakes; they might not give you the car if you arrive early or late. Ended up paying an extra 180 euros for full coverage.
I purchased full insurance from Zuzuche while renting the car, but the rental company didn't accept the policy. After a long discussion, they agreed to accept a €1400 deposit and a €100 full-tank return deposit. When returning the car, the staff clearly indicated that the vehicle was in good condition and the tank was full, and that the deposit would be returned on the second working day. It's been almost a month since the return, but the €1400 deposit has not been refunded, and €77.29 of the €100 full-tank deposit has not been refunded either. Despite Zuzuche assisting in the investigation, there has been no feedback. I've used Zuzuche many times and have never been so disappointed. I hope for a prompt response.
They said there were no automatic vehicles available unless it was an electric car. Currently in the complaint process.
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